Thursday, 7 February 2019

Recording our height and weight (All about me)

As part of learning about ourselves, we integrated maths into our learning by measuring our height and weight. It was tricky getting our weight because we had to make sure the scale was on zero first and we had to stand still on the scale. We took the reading in kilograms, then converted it into grams.
To get our height we had to stand straight against the wall and a second person had to record our height. We then had a very challenging exercise to convert centimetres into metres as well as millimetres.


  1. Kia Ora Room 11. It's really neat to see collaboration going on. To me it seems like you learners had lots of fun measuring each others height and weight. How did the conversion go from kilograms to grams? What about converting from centimetres to metres and then to millimetres?

  2. Hi nice measurement about each one another <3
